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Showing posts from July, 2018

Ode To An Expectaion

The Sun is rising, the blossoms are budding, The Birds are warbling; the night is kissing the day; But someone has an expectation, You will come, you will come, you will come… The Moon is shying and hiding it’s moonlight, The Holy sound of Church bell, chanting of temple & Mosque, Are colliding with ears; But someone has  an  expectation, You will come, You will come, You will come… The roads and streets are waking up, the tea is boiling up, The drunkard is still searching his home;  But someone has  an  expectation,                                   You will come, You will come, You will come…. The joggers are jogging, The sweepers are sweeping; The mountain is glittering with the red red rays of the Sun; But someone has  an  expectation, ...